Sindhi Language Library

- انسان پڄاڻا دؤر ۾ انساني ٻولين جو آئيندو (امر فياض ٻرڙو )Future of Human Languages in Posthumanism

Abstract: Human languages serve as more than just a means of expression; they carry the accumulated wisdom and knowledge gained from centuries of experiences and observations passed down from generation to generation. It has been realized that language is not just a sequence of sounds, but it also has a soul that is often suppressed by political and social pressures, resulting in the loss of its essence and the treasure of hidden knowledge. The postmodern era is rapidly transitioning to posthumanism, where the world's leading scholars predict that the human body will be half machine in the future, with machines taking control of many aspects of life. This "half machine, half human" entity, referred to as a Cyborg, will be completely dependent on machines. With the advancement of science and technology, the assessment of benefits and costs of machines created in the world is currently done by humans, but in the future, this work will be done by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is trained in human languages from all over the world so that it can understand, hear, speak, and provide desired results. The question arises: what will be the fate of our human languages in a rapidly changing world? Which languages will survive this revolution and what can be done to preserve languages that have been in existence for thousands of years and whose original scripts cannot be traced? My presentation will address these threats and potential solutions.

About scholar: Amar Fayaz Buriro is a language engineer, linguist, author and lexicographer of Sindhi language. Currently he works as Project Director in Department of Culture, Tourism, and Antiquities for the government of Sindh. He previously served as an Information Technology specialist for the Sindhi Language Authority where he was responsible for Sindhi computing and the development of a Sindhi Codex for advanced language engineering. Amar was the creator of the first Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system for the Sindhi language, as well as the largest dictionary portal for the Sindhi Language Authority.

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